2 stars hotel in Ulaanbaatar - Guide Mongolia - Horseback Mongolia

2 stars hotel in Ulaanbaatar

We generally work with 2 stars hotels that are good value for money. We work with Dream hotel, Guide hotel and Kharaa hotel. They’re all situated in the city centre of Ulan Bator, on the small circle for the Dream and Guide hotels, on Peace Avenue for Kharaa hotel. These hotels are functional and clean, but are not charming hotel (charming hotels don’t exist, at the moment, in Ulaanbaatar).

Please note that :

  • the staff of these hotels generally doesn’t speak English ;
  • only Dream hotel has a lift in his main building ;
  • warm water is sometimes a problem in these buildings, notably each year, during two weeks between July and August, when the entire city has no warm water (centralized boiler room, pipes are cleaned), and the hotels don't have their own boiler room ;
  • we chose these buildings for their peacefulness (there’s no karaoke in the hotels). Whereas they generally provide satisfaction to customers on this point, you can’t be totally sure you won’t hear some noisy neighbors some night.

If these conditions don’t suit you, you can choose in option a premium hotel.

Please note also that during the groups tours, if you travel alone, you might share a twin room with another same sex person who travels alone too. If you don’t want to share your room with another person, you have to subscribe to “single” option.

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