3 stars hotel in Ulaanbaatar - Guide Mongolia - Horseback Mongolia

3 stars hotel in Ulaanbaatar

3 stars hotels are a very good option for a comfortable stay in Ulan Bator. We have several partnerships with the Nine hotel, the Platinium hotel, J hotel, the New West hotel, the Continental hotel or the Best Western Gobi Kelso hotel to name a few. They are usually well located at the city centre of Ulan Bator, few minutes on foot around the main Sukhbaatar Square. These hotels are usually well decorated and clean, and provide the best possible service for the money.

The service usually includes :

  • English speaking staff ;
  • Lifts and easy access for both comfort and practicability ;
  • Wifi in the rooms
  • A restaurant/bar inside the hotel
  • Other additional services like gym or pool ;

Please note also that during the groups tours, if you travel alone, you might share a twin room with another same sex person who travels alone too. If you don’t want to share your room with another person, you have to subscribe to the “single room” option, against an additional fee.

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