Danzanravjaa's museum - Guide Mongolia - Horseback Mongolia

Danzanravjaa's museum

Danzanravjaa, named the "Terrible Noble, Saint of Gobi" was born in 1803 in the Gobi Desert. Writer, physician and Buddhist monk, he was famous throughout the country and greatly respected.

In virulent criticism of the society in which he lived in, Danzanravjaa fought against class distinctions and was defending public education. He created a public school at the Khamar monastery including theater, museum and library to provide education to all.

In the 1840s Danzanravjaa also established what is considered the first museum of Mongolia. More than 10,000 artefacts were preserved and displayed in the "temple of exhibition" at the Khamar monastery. There were included in this museum his personal works and belongings, donations from people or high religious and political authorities, and other unusual objects collected during his numerous trips.

In parallel to the museum, there was a public library where visitors could listen to public readers reading aloud the books.

Danzanravjaa wrote throughout his life more than 300 poetic works, more than 100 songs, a philosophical essay, the ten acts of the operetta Khukhuu Saran and many religious articles written in Mongolian and Tibetan.

Many songs and poems from Danzanravjaa remain popular today, such as "Ulemjiin Chanar" that is frequently song during events and celebrations. Danzanravjaa also painted dozens of religious works.

Today Danzanravjaa’s museum exhibits several of his original artistic works as well as manuscripts, old books, religious artefacts, theatrical costumes, personal belongings and other items displaying his life and work.


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