Mogoit hot springs - Guide Mongolia - Horseback Mongolia

Mogoit hot springs

Mogoit Springs are located in the sum of Bat-Ölzii, province of Övörkhangai, in the area inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List, Orkhon Valley. They're located 18 kilometres (11 miles) southeast Bat-Ölzii, 70 kilometres (43,5 miles) from the sum of Khujirt, 100 kilometres (62 miles) fromArvaikheer, and 450 kilometres (280 miles) from Ulan Bator.

Zanabazar Javzandamba Khutagt discovered these springs; his blessing is said to have given many virtues to the springs. According to the locals, they believe they still have many virtues such as relieve sore joints, nervous system diseases, gynaecologic problems, and allergies. The elders say that you have to drink the water to treat yourself.

In 1944, Russian researchers tested the composition of the springs. There is notably sodium sulfate and fluorine. The springs have sixteen different origins, and their temperature varies between 33 and 72°C (91-162°F).

In the 1970s-1980s, the local inhabitants liked to go there on holidays but the place was forgotten after the fall of communism. Since 2010, a yurts camp is settled near the springs and warm water baths are accessible to the travelers.


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