Kids from the Mongolian steppes - Horseback Mongolia
Kids from the Mongolian steppes

Kids from the Mongolian steppes

Jun 15 2015

Through a few shots we are going to attempt to make you travel in the steppes, to the discovery of nomadic childhood. These children grow up and develop themselves into a farming environment, with goats and calves as playmates. They grow in the fresh air of the Mongolian steppes, ride horses, deal with animals, learn how to cook and cope with a rough environment. A journey in 40 photos.

1. The little girl with her foal


2. Little girls with a goat

petites filles et la chevre

3. 3 sisters under a summer shower

petites filles dans la steppe

4. Adorable little girl in front of her ger

Petite nomade devant sa yourte

5. Proud son of the steppes posing in front of his horse

6. Boy in the middle of his goats herd: milking time?

7. Baby playing with a young goat

8. Family from the Khongor region posing with their camel, in front of the dunes

9. Little girl with her calves in the stunning Orkhon valley La jeune fille et les veaux

10. Little girl having a nap with her reindeer, North Taiga La jeune fille qui dort avec les rennes

11. Let’s stay among the Tsaatans with this lovely little girl. A smile full of life. la petite fille et son rene

12. Little girl bursting into laugh with a giggling camel. Love that picture!

13. Swaddled baby in his yurt

14. Young leader of yak in the Mongolian steppes

l'enfant meuneur de yak

15. Little girl wearing del front of her yurt

Jeunes enfants devant leur yourte

16. Young horse rider, wearing del, steering his horse with dexterity Jeune cavanier nomade

17. It’s homework time, even in the Mongolian yurts f_346

18. Beautiful photo from Hamid Sardar showing a Tsaatan mum breasting her son femme-nourrit-bebe-mongolie

19. Little boys on their camel in Gobi

Enfants sur le chameau

20. Kids taking part in yurt chores. Terelij National Park. Enfants faisant la lessive

21. Little girl and her brother posing in front of the vastness of Gobi enfants et infini des paysages

22. Brotherhood in del in the Sainshand region

enfants du Gobi

23. We told you about the Bor Khalzan Tuulai’s customs. Here comes an example Bor kaziin tuulai

24. Children marked by the elements in the Mongolian steppes

25. Young Kazakhe and his raptor during the Bayan Olgii Eagles festival Eagle Festival Youngster

26. Kids playing in the Mongolian steppes. Here, no IPAD Jeux d'enfants

27. Young nomad relishing a bowl of fresh milk

28. During migrations, the youngest ones have also to be carried

29. This young girl has just been through the haircut ceremony L'enfant et les veaux

30. Beautiful princess in the steppes enjoying the bays

princesse nomade

31. Another picture from Hamid Sardar, in the Kazakhs from Altai this time L'enfant et son Aigle

32. Young galloping jockey to win the race. Naadam festival. Jeune cavalier des steppes

33. Nice little shepherdess with her cows herd

34. Young Kazakh hunter in company with his royal eagle. Bayan Olgii Province Jeune aiglier et son aigle Royal

35. Very early, Mongolians become fervent meat eater

36. Baby in the steppe. A rough environment, yet healthy to grow up

37. Baby wearing the traditional Mongolian wrestling clothe. Naadam festival bebe lutteur

38. Baby is trying to go out from the family yurt

39. Brother and sister on horseback. The elder already mounts bareback

40. Finally a picture from Michel Setboun, which was taken in the Arkhangai during summer time, right after a blizzard dans la steppe infini  

19 October 2015
Lots of information on this site. Thank you. And, your photos are beautiful.
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