The foundation Erdene Uram - Horseback Mongolia
The foundation Erdene Uram

The foundation Erdene Uram

In 2011, Mrs. Khishig-Erdene created the foundation Erdene Uram to sustain education of orphans and modest families.

The actions of the foundation in 2011:

  • publishing books of Mongolian legends in French language;

  • long-term involvement for twenty pupils and three students of the provinces of Bayan-Olgii, Zavkhan, Ovorkhangai, Arkhangai et Selenge.

The aim is to encourage young persons in order to avoid lack of schooling, and also to help them in their course choice.

In 2012:

  • publishing books of Mongolian legends in French and Japanese languages;

  • providing equipment for lessons of geography to the school of Saikhan Sum, province of Selenge;

  • creating a carpentry workshop in Saikhan Sum;

  • providing equipment for creation to the school of Bayangol Sum, province of Ovorkhangai;

  • showing the project of the "International Youth Camp" to regional authorities.

In 2013:

  • replacing the beds of the maternity of the hospital of Saikhan Sum, province of Selenge;

  • inaugurating the international summer camp of children and greeting first groups.

In 2014:

  • first exchange between French and Mongolian pupils.

Horseback Adventure offers to all travellers a book of legends (value: 5 euros; 3,66 GBP; 5,68 USD) of the association. Doing this, it campaignes for the association's projects to the amount of thousands euros per year.

Lie a ce conseil de voyage
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$


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