Health and vaccination in Mongolia - Horseback Mongolia
Health and vaccination in Mongolia

Health and vaccination in Mongolia

Itching, indigestion, blister, small injury… These little things might easily waste your trip. This is what my personal medicine bag could contain: Medicine bag - Repellent against mosquitos and other insects - Soothing cream in case of vegetal irritation or insect bite - Solar protection cream - After sun cream - Disinfectant - Sterile compresses and plasters, among others anti blisters plasters - Bandage - Paracetamol - Anti haematomas and anti muscles aches cream - Medicines against diarrhoea and constipation - Throat pastilles - Eye lotion, in case of eye dryness - Broad-spectrum antibiotic - Tweezers - Purifying pastilles  Vaccination No vaccination is obligatory to come to Mongolia. Nevertheless you will travel in a remote zone of the world. So take some precautions. Vaccinations that Institut Pasteur recommends: - Diphteria, poliomyelitis and tetanus - Hepatitis A (if you travel a lot) - Typhoid (if you fear for risks) - Hepatitis B (for long or repeated travels) - Rabies (for solo travellers or adventurous tours) - Tick encephalitis (for the pony treks in Khovsgol in May, June ade July)


Lie a ce conseil de voyage
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$


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