In Ulan Bator, trolley buses and buses are available for the modest sum of 500 tugruks (0,22 euros; 0,16 GBP; 0,25 USD) payable on board.
Taxis in Ulan Bator
Taxis cost 1000 tugruks (0,44 euros; 0,32 GBP; 0,50 USD) for one kilometre (0,62 mile). They're a quite sure mean of transportation inside the city. Don't forget that all cars can be taxis, you just have to hold the hand and a car stops. Non-official taxis don't have any meter and can turn to be more expensive, but this is not always true. Generally, you're not recommended to take a non-official taxi that waits for clients at the airport or the station, or in the night when you go out from a bar or night club. You should rather walk a bit and stop a taxi on the way. Avoid to take a taxi if there are two men inside.
Moving alone in the country
From Ulan Bator to the other cities, buses and private cars leave from the Dragon Centre or Narantuul market. Buses have a fixed schedule and you're recommended to buy your ticket the day before the departure. Private cars leave only when they're full. It's generally recommended to go to Narantuul early, in order to book one's seat, then to await – several hours – the departure.
The motorway grid is centralized around Ulan Bator. Whereas it's quite easy to go to any big city of the country by bus from the capital, it will be very hard then to move between the different cities and you will have to rent a car with driver. Don't forget that the main interest of the country is in the countryside, but this can be reached only with private jeeps, on horseback or by foot.
The railway network is very limited but 17 national airports are connected to Ulan Bator and the most interesting cities all have many flights per week from and towards the capital. Some of them, such as Dalanzadgad, have daily flights.
Moving in the country with Horseback
In steppes, journeys are held on often hard tracks. Some tours are easier in terms of moving, but if you really want to visit the country, you won't be able to avoid track.
For groups from 2 to 3 participants, we use mid-range four-wheel-drive jeeps (Mitsubishi Delica, Nissan Pajero). These jeeps are classic vehicles with good comfort and air-con.
For groups from 3 to 5 or 6 participants, we use either the Russian four-wheel-drive minivan from UAZ brand or 2 mid-range four-wheel-drive jeeps, depending on the tours. It does have a huge impact on your cost, so choose carefully. The Russian minivan sometimes frightens the clients but it can go anywhere and remains a solid value for the Mongolian track. Moreover, the driver can easily fix it. Another advantage of the UAZ is its capacity: eight seats and a big boot to put equipment, food stock, and bags. Customers are generally satisfied of this vehicle but if you fear lack of comfort, you'd rather choose a Japanese jeep.
Note: when you're 4 to 6 participants, you can prefer two Japanese jeeps instead of a single UAZ, but this has a real incidence on cost. Ask for both quotation and choose fully knowing you vehicle specificities !
We also propose the optional rent of a high-range four-wheel-drive vehicle (Land Cruiser, Lexus or Hummer).
Note: if you have backaches, you're strongly recommended to wear a bearing belt, whatever vehicle you choose.
For some long travels, you can be led to take domestic flights of Hunnu Air or Aeromongolia airlines. With domestic flights you can spare much time and focus on essential: discover Mongolia, enjoy nature on horseback or by foot.