Flight booking - Horseback Mongolia
Flight booking

Flight booking

Each year, only a few flights are planned to fly to Mongolia, and prices very fast increase. The first recommendation we can can give you, is to book your plane ticket as early as possible, before February for your summer flight.

At that period, Korean Air (stopover at Seoul) and Turkish Airlines (stopover at Istanbul) propose their best prices. We've finalised some agreements with companies specialised in flights booking, so we can boook your flight or help you to find best prices.

From March, these two airlines increase their prices very quickly and it becomes more interesting to fly with MIAT, via Frankfurt. We also have agreements with MIAT for Frankfurt – Ulan Bator flights, so we can make you benefit from good prices on this flight.

Price of the round-trip flight Frankfurt – Ulan Bator: 950 € - 1050 € (694-767 GBP; 1079-1192 USD).

We'll generally ask you to book your fligh to Frankfurt on your own, but we'll tell you which flight you should choose. Just for information, a Paris – Frankfurt round-trip flight generally costs between 100 and 150 euros (73-109 GBP; 113-170 USD).

Another solution sometimes very attractive is to fly from Europe to Beijing, then to take another plane, or travel by train, from Beijing to Ulan Bator.

Price of the round-trip flight Beijing – Ulan Bator: 300 € (218 GBP; 340 USD).

Please also note that the flight from Moscow to Ulan Bator costs about 600 euros (439 GBP; 681 USD) with MIAT airline. We can help you to book this flight too.

Lie a ce conseil de voyage
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$


I am Emelyne from "Horseback Mongolia". Send us your request, and we will answer you within 48 hours.
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+(976)-11-331 098