Train tickets booking - Horseback Mongolia
Train tickets booking

Train tickets booking

Need some help to book your train tickets? Horseback Adventure team takes care of everything for you to only think about the essential: enjoy your trip!

Our prices Transmongolian 2nd class (4 berths compartment):

Beijing – Ulan Bator: 272 USD

Ulan Bator – Beijing: 240 USD

Ulan Bator - Irkutsk: 150 USD

Ulan Bator – Moscow: 390 USD

Our prices Transmongolian 1st class (2 berths compartment):

Beijing – Ulan Bator: 384 USD

Ulan Bator – Beijing: 280 USD

Ulan Bator - Irkutsk: 180 USD

Ulan Bator  – Moscow: 460 USD

Because of frequent problems with availability of train tickets, we can guarantee these prices only for bookings made before the 1st of April. For any booking made after this day, please contact us to check the availability.

Package “Beijing” including:

  • transfer airport / hotel (***)

  • 1 night at the hotel

  • your ticket Beijing – Ulan Bator in 2nd class

  • transfer hotel / train station

Price of the package (1 person): 407 USD

Price of the package (2 persons): 340 USD / person

Lie a ce conseil de voyage
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$
Parfum the Mongolie
14 jours - 2,350$


I am Emelyne from "Horseback Mongolia". Send us your request, and we will answer you within 48 hours.
Call us at
+(976)-11-331 098